Used Ford Cars

View our range of quality used Ford models available at DG Weaver in Llandow, Rhondda and Talbot Green.

Used Car 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

How it Works

To insure we don’t need to have this conversation with you, all of our used vehicles go through our thorough vehicle preparation process. However, if you decide it’s just not right for you, you can return it and get your money back within the first 14 days (except for road fund licence which is refunded pro-rata directly by DVLA). There’s no haggle and no hassle, there’s just a few things we ask:

  • You haven’t done any more than 250 miles within the first 14 days from taking collection
  • You return the vehicle to the Dealership you originally purchased it from, this is paramount for any distance sale agreements
  • You fulfil all your legal responsibilities as the owner of the vehicle - including taxes, insurance and paying any fines you incur whilst driving it.
  • You keep the vehicle in the same condition as it was when you picked it up. Fair wear and tear is expected, but we'll need to charge for any new damage caused whilst the vehicle is in your care.
  • You return the car with; V5C logbook document, all keys, books (such as manuals and service books) and accessories (like floor mats and SD cards) that were supplied with it.
  • How to Return a Car

    Here's how it works:

    1. Contact us through our easy-to-use online forms. We’ll need your details as well as the registration of the vehicle you are looking to return and your availability to attend an appointment with us within the 14-day period.
    2. You then attend your appointment to return the vehicle to us, making sure to bring back everything that was supplied to you with the vehicle. You must bring your invoice and driving licence.
    3. The Sales Executive who you purchase the car from originally (unless unavailable due to holidays or clashing days off) will do an appraisal of the vehicle with you. Should there be any deduction of the refund costs for any reasonable costs of rectification work needed, we’ll advise you there and then.
    4. Provided we have received the correct V5C (vehicle logbook), your refund will be processed by electronic bank transfer and will show within your account within 5 working days, depending on your bank

    Exclusions and Some T&Cs

    In a perfect world we would offer this to every single customer, however certain deals are more complicated than others and due to this we aren't able to offer a money back guarantee on any deal that we have had to make negative equity arrangements on your behalf.

    We would also like to make you aware, that wherever possible if a part exchange is involved, will put you back into your original car. If the situation was to arise, that we have already sold your car, we'll refund you the part exchange value, as agreed on the purchase invoice.

    None of the above affects your statutory rights, which come under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.